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Liberal Media Cries Out: Is Transgender Defender William Pryor No Longer On Short List

The anguish of many in the liberal news media is reaching a fever pitch:

U.S. News and World Report, citing Politico, asks:

"Is William Pryor Still on Donald Trump's Supreme Court Short List?
One of the president's top picks may have fallen out of favor because of his protection of transgender rights"

(That is a direct quote, no hyperbole, as the leftist mag responds to a report in the further far left Politico )

President Donald Trump has said he'll announce his nominee to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia next week, and reportedly has narrowed down his short list to three conservative jurists.

But William Pryor -- once rumored to be atop Trump's judicial wish list -- may not make the cut.

The reason, according to Politico: Pryor, considered a staunch conservative, nonetheless joined his federal appellate court colleagues in a 2011 ruling that protects transgender rights in the workplace. While he's still a top contender, the case apparently has damaged Pryor's prospects for the coveted Supreme Court post.

Pryor's stance in the case hit the conservative legal grapevine earlier this month...................


............Although Pryor is considered a rock-ribbed conservative who has harshly criticized the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, his star began to fade over the last two weeks.

Heated conversations over Pryor and the workplace-discrimination case, styled Glenn v. Brumbry, have been blowing up "an off-the-record list-serv that includes many in the conservative legal and political communities," Politico reports, sweeping in "many Republican Senate staffers" whose bosses presumably would help shepherd Pryor's nomination through the confirmation process."