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Ironic: Hillary "first Woman President" may proceed to obliterate women from society through Transgender policies.

Hillary "first Woman President" may proceed to obliterate women from society
through Transgender policies.

Title from Source: Shoving Men Into Women's Spaces Isn't Progress

Eugene Delgaudio, presidenet of Public Advocate said today, "America stood witness to Hillary Clinton's steadfast stand to support abortion in all circumstances which guarantees the killing of female babies but lets also consider that the continuation of the Obama Transgender policies may mean the complete erasure of women in our society, as observed by this writer for Family Policy Institute."

K. T. Haver says in part:

"..........when I read that a high school in North Carolina had elected a teenage boy as its homecoming queen, I was admittedly surprised by the intensity of the emotional response the news solicited within me.

Gender identity politics are offensive on so many levels. For one thing, the widespread indulging of obvious delusion makes idiots of us all. In fact, I shudder to think what the history books will say about this modern day retelling of The Emperor's New Clothes and the seemingly epidemic courage deficit in rightly naming it. But beyond the obvious insult to our intelligence, the trans-agenda is essentially ushering in the erasure of women and obliterating the idea that females have anything unique to contribute to the world.

As previously illustrated, high school can be rough for girls who are struggling to find their place in the greater scheme of things, especially as it relates to the boys around them. In theory, a homecoming queen is supposed to be representative of the best of these girls - a female who navigates life with confidence, kindness, poise, and dignity.

Homecoming queen is supposed to be a position to which girls can aspire.

What does it say then, when, of all the girls in the entire high school, none of them are deemed good enough to win the title of homecoming queen? What does it say when the best possible candidate to represent high school girls is actually a high school boy? Most heartbreaking of all, what does it say about these girls when they choose female erasure for themselves?..........

Tammy Wynette hit the nail on the head when she sang, "Sometimes it's hard to be a woman."

It's especially hard to be a woman when we are no longer legally allowed to clearly define what that means. And it's going to be even harder when an entire generation of girls has successfully been trained to believe that their erasure is somehow progress.

The day we allow that to happen, we won't just FEEL like we are "less than." It will actually be true.

Not on my watch." says K.T. Haver

Title from Source: Shoving Men Into Women's Spaces Isn't Progress