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Liberals Demand We Accept Men Who Identify as Women, But They Refuse to Accept Terrorists Who Identify as Muslim

Liberals Demand We Accept Men Who Identify as Women,
But They Refuse to Accept Terrorists Who Identify as Muslim

Rush Limbaugh says on his national radio broadcast:

RUSH: Okay, stop and think of this. To Obama, to Hillary, to Democrats and the American left, whenever a guy says that he's a woman, she's a woman. When a woman says, "No, no, no, I present as a guy," the left says, "There's a guy! There's a guy!" "See the two boobs?" "I say it's a guy!" So if you're a woman and you want to be a man and you tell a Democrat you're a man, you're a man. If you're a man that wants to be a woman -- and you tell the Democrats you're a woman and you want to use the woman's bathroom and you're a man -- they say, "Fine, have at it!"

[snip]It's unreal. It's unreal. Every Drive-By Media report on the Orlando terror attack still claims that nobody can figure out a motive, except for the fact that Republicans did it, or that "religion" is responsible, but not Islam. No ho-ho-ho! Christianity. Yes, Christians, whether they know it or not, threaten homosexuals. Threaten! Heck, Christians threaten everybody, and that's why people are not themselves. Christians are to blame for every aberration taking place in this country. The New York Times, Charles Blow is his name: "Omar Mateen: American Monster." It's America's fault! "American monster," Omar Mateen.

Thank you Free Republic.

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