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Boycott Target Campaign Fits Ideal Model To Make Successful Boycott

Public Advocate tweet: Guardian: Do boycotts work? In some models YES. #BoycottTarget
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Liberals and Conservatives Unite to
Make Boycotts Work

"The left does this and the right is doing it now with Boycott Target. The left has documented some major principles on how to succeed with boycotts and the Target Boycott seems to be headed towards success based on the leftist model," says Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate of the US Inc.

Guardian, a liberal website states in part:

Brendon Steele, a senior manager of stakeholder engagement at Future 500, says that boycotts are most effective when combined with a broader collection of carrots and sticks.

"Smart campaigners combine boycotts with carrots such as brand promotion if a company makes a change, and other types of sticks if it does not, such as targeted protests, social media campaigns, and brandjacking," he says.

Successful campaigns, Steele says, also have well-defined "asks" that let a brand know what, exactly, the campaigners want. To be most successful, he argues, campaigners need to present a business with two paths. "In one, the brand loses value because it is connected with a problem," Steele says. "In the other, the brand gains value when it is perceived as a leader. Combined with a smart, do-able ask, a brand might be inclined to sign on without the need for a public boycott."

Delgaudio continued "In the outline published by Guardian the Boycott Target campaign fits the model by describing the problem (danger to all women and children), providing the solution (go back to the old policy of separate bathrooms) and attacking the brand. Its sustained impact is measured by social media activity particular to both the problem and the brand."

Guardian, a liberal website, has detailed discussion here