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President Obama's Gestapo Arm Cracks Down on North Carolina

The Department of Justice told North Carolina's governor on Wednesday that a new state law limiting restroom access for transgender people violates the U.S. Civil Rights Act.

In a letter to Republican Governor Pat McCrory that was seen by Reuters, the Justice Department said the state was "engaging in a pattern or practice of discrimination against transgender state employees," and it had until Monday to address the issue.

McCrory's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Breitbart reported earlier:

President Barack Obama's deputies have told the North Carolina Governor that all single-sex public bathrooms - including those in K-12 schools - must be opened to people of both sexes by Monday to prevent "discrimination" against the roughly 1-in-2,400 American adults who say they're transgender.

........"The Department of Justice has determined that & you and the state of NC are in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 0f 1964," says the May 4 threat from Obama's justice department to the Governor.

Hat Tip to Free Republic