Gay Radical Who Terrorized State Rep is Charged in Court
The Daily Herald is reporting:
Republican state Rep. Jeanne Ives said she felt threatened and afraid when she learned of a voice mail left at her district office on March 20, 2013.
The Wheaton legislator took the witness stand Wednesday morning in the trial of Stephen Bona, 52, who faces felony charges of threatening a public official. If convicted, he could face up to five years in prison.
Bona was arrested and charged just hours after Ives' legislative assistant reported getting the threatening voice mail at her district office.
"Your Tea Party brethren Sarah Palin put up a map that included the names, locations and faces of Democratic candidates and put them in the crosshairs of a gun," Bona said on the voice mail, played several times in court Wednesday.
Bona went on to suggest that "perhaps we should do the same for you. We know where you live."