Survey: U.S. Senate Candidates In 25 States To Be Confronted by Public Advocate
Public Advocate, a non-profit educational group, announced today its highly successful U.S. Senate Candidates Survey Program.
In the 2014 campaign cycle, Public Advocate was previously involved in a dozen key Senate races with pro-family victories for pro-family heros and the defeat of anti-Family Senate villains.
Public Advocate's 2016 Pro-family U.S. Senate Survey asks candidates for the U.S. Senate 8 critical question with regards to the issues of Family Values, Christian Liberty and Real Marriage.
Together, these questions determine with 100% clarity if a candidate is Pro-Family, or not.
North Carolina, Illinois, California, Utah, Kentucky, Georgia, Colorado, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Florida, South Dakota and Maryland have all been designated high-priority races for the 2016 election cycle.
Public Advocate has either already surveyed every candidate in these states, or is in the process of preparing and mailing these personalized surveys to every candidate in both major political parties.
Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Missouri, South Carolina, Louisiana, Kansas, Washington, Alaska, Wisconsin, Idaho, Oregon, Iowa and North Dakota have been designated targeted states as well.
Public Advocate is expanding our Survey Program to these states to 25, a doubling of opportunities over the 2014 campaign
"We expect every candidate in 25 races to complete and return our survey will all due haste. Our Pro-Family Rating is one of the most important tools pro-Family voters consult when evaluating candidates," Pres. Eugene Delgaudio.
In addition to the Senate races, Public Advocate has sent Presidential Candidates Surveys to the presidential canidates and questioned several of the candidates with online campaigns.
Eugene Delgaudio's Letter To Ask Presidential Candidates To Be A Pro-family Hero
Proof of Mailing: Public Advocate's Presidential Survey - Republican Candidates
Public Advocate's 2016 Pro-family Presidential Survey
Public Advocate's 2016 Pro-family U.S. SENATE Survey