Grinchy Gay Extremists Attack Christmas Displays in Georgia
Gay Extremists Attack Christmas Displays in Georgia
The liberal Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper is reporting:
Around the corner from the towering Christmas tree that fills the Gold Dome's rotunda will soon stand - for one day at least - an entirely different sort of spectacle.
A six-and-a-half-foot pole splotched with rainbow colors, highlighted by purple glitter and topped with a shiny disco ball will rise above the South Wing of the state Capitol on Dec. 23 to commemorate a made-up holiday invented for a 1990s sitcom.
The "Gay Pride Festivus Pole" will serve as a reminder that the court rulings and state laws that seek to protect religious symbols in government buildings can cut both ways. And, in this case, that means allowing a sparkly pole to share space with portraits of famed Georgia leaders at the Gold Dome's most prestigious real estate................