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Governors, attorneys general fight back against transgender bathrooms

Life Site News is reporting:

Governors Paul LePage of Maine and Pat McCrory of North Carolina, along with the attorneys general of South Carolina, Arizona, Mississippi, and West Virginia, have filed a "friend of the court" brief against letting boys use girls' toilets, showers, locker rooms, and private facilities.

As LifeSiteNews reported, a lawsuit was brought by the ACLU on behalf of a teenage girl, Caitlyn Hope Grimm, who, with a name change to "Gavin" and the declaration "I'm a boy," demands the use of the men's room at school.

At issue is whether local school districts throughout the U.S. will be forced to allow girls to simultaneously use the boys' bathroom, showers, and locker room with boys, and vice versa.

The Obama administration has filed an opposing brief with the court, saying that Title IX federal tax funding requires schools to permit students to use the facilities of their choice, not their genes.

President Obama's team argues that to limit a biological girl to using only the girls' restroom and showers constitutes sexual discrimination.