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Bush, Christie, Ryan, Graham, Clinton, Obama etc. silent as Liberals Urge People To Kill Supporters Of Trump And Republicans

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio "I condemn violence. I condemn the use of violence to intimidate anyone. The public calls by several liberal activists in Colorado to kill Republicans or Trump supporters requires a response from Speaker Paul Ryan and the entire range of candidates in both parties seeking the presidency."

Thank you to the Daily Caller news website for reporting the threat by the ACLU board member.

Denver CBS 4 has also reported:

DENVER (CBS4)- A board member for the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado has resigned after urging people to kill supporters of presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Loring Wirbel's Facebook post was captured by The Daily Caller - a right-leaning online newspaper.

The post states, "The thing is, we have to really reach out to those who might consider voting for Trump and say, 'This is Goebbels. This is the final solution. If you are voting for him I will have to shoot you before Election Day.' They're not going to listen to reason, so when justice is gone, there's always force"

It's the second threat against Republicans in Colorado in one week.

Fern Delise, 54, of Fountain was arrested after police say she called Planned Parenthood saying, "It's tempting to walk into a republican party meeting with my dead husband's gun and just start shooting people."

Disclaimer About ACLU

"There should be a criminal investigation into the public threat to kill Americans by a liberal policy maker, or others, and a condemnation by candidates, said Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate, "but in the case of the ACLU this is not to detract from an otherwise non-violent policy group and the group has condemned the public threats made by a "volunteer". "

We have been operating in the Washington region for 34 years and while we fight with the ACLU most of the time, they have distinguished themselves from the phoney legal groups like the "Southern Poverty" fundraising scam and other anti-Christian groups.

Our lawyers fight them in the courts and we fight them in the halls of Congress
but the ACLU has always been clear to argue for "liberty" or free speech even for Christians.

When we led efforts to defend Christmas displays and it was an issue at a Washington area courthouse grounds it was the American Civil Liberties Union that defended the religious liberty of Christians and others to place seasonal displays at the courthouse grounds.

Reference: ACLU supported Eugene Delgaudio efforts to Defend Christmas Displays, legal opinion here at this link.

When Public Advocate protested the attacks "at Christmas time" by the ACLU of "Christmas" events, the ACLU met us on the streets outside their national headquarters and sang Christmas carols with us in full public view and broadcast on national TV networks.

12 Photos ACLU joins Public Advocate in Singing Christmas Carols

When Public Advocate fought the Congressional Pay Raise it was the coaltion of homeless and other genuine poverty rights groups including the ACLU that backed up the advance teams of Public Advocate in every fashion.

Public Advocate is far out in front of many issues but we are not so far in front to forget about
the help we get sometimes.