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Public Advocate Asks Marco Rubio "Marco Are You Getting Hush $$?"

In a nationally distributed email message, Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio asks if Presidential candidate Marco Rubio has accepted hush money to stay quiet or support the anti-family agenda of a rich donor, today, Tuesday, November 10, at 4 p.m. EST:

Delgaudio writes and asks: (in part)

"Why has the Homosexual Lobby's wealthiest activist just thrown his money behind Senator Marco Rubio for President?

Billionaire Paul Singer has a long track record of trying to buy support for the radical Homosexual Agenda among Republican politicians.

He believes he can pay the GOP to delete Real Marriage and Family Values from the Party platform..............

Is Paul Singer moving the (Rubio) campaign away from traditional family values? Are you accepting "hush" money to stay quiet and support an anti-family agenda?.......

That's what I need you to write Marco Rubio and ask....., " Delgaudio wrote today.