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Gay Lobby Loses Houston Proposition 1 by 62 to 38 percent

The Houston Chronicle reports:

Houston's controversial equal rights ordinance failed by a wide margin Tuesday, with voters opting to repeal the law that offered broad non-discrimination protections, according to incomplete and unofficial returns.

The hotly contested election has spurred national attention, drawing comment from the White House and the state's top officials. Largely conservative opponents of the law allege that it would allow men dressed as women, including sexual predators, to enter women's restrooms. Supporters of the law, including Mayor Annise Parker, argue that it extends an important local recourse for a range of protected classes to respond to discrimination.

Supporters released a written statement Tuesday night: "We are disappointed with today's outcome, but our work to secure nondiscrimination protections for all hard-working Houstonians will continue. No one should have to live with the specter of discrimination hanging over them. Everyone should have the freedom to work hard, earn a decent living and provide for themselves and their families."

The Washington Times reports:

"Houston Mayor Annise Parker wasn't exactly gracious in defeat, accusing those who opposed the city' s transgender-rights ordinance of "deliberate lies" and predicting the city's economy would suffer as a result of the measure's repeal.

In remarks shortly after Tuesday's balloting, Ms. Parker blamed the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance's lopsided loss on a very small but determined group of right-wing ideologues and the religionist right for waging a campaign of fear-mongering and deliberate lies."