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WE TOLD YOU RYAN WAS BAD APPLE, W. Times says Ryan rebuke of Thomas Jefferson rules bad start

Wash. Times: "Ryan's rebuke of Thomas Jefferson's rules a 'non-starter' with conservatives"

An influential Republican conservative said at least one of Rep. Paul Ryan's demands for becoming House speaker is a "non-starter" as the GOP gathered Wednesday morning to figure out if enough members can unite behind the young star.

Current Speaker John A. Boehner, who is retiring, told lawmakers the GOP will hold an internal vote next Wednesday to select their replacement, and then the whole House will vote Thursday to confirm Congress's top constitutional office.

Mr. Ryan had said he would only take the speaker's job if Congress eliminated the power to oust the speaker mid-session - something Rep. Raul Labrador, Idaho Republican, said would undermine the checks and balances that have been in the system since Thomas Jefferson first wrote the parliamentary rule book.

"That's something that's in the Jefferson's rules. This is something that if it's good enough for Jefferson, it's got to be good enough for Paul Ryan," Mr. Labrador said.

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