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Eugene Delgaudio: We Support Kim Davis, Oppose Criminalization of Christianity

(Grayson, Kentucky)

Statement of Eugene Delgaudio, President Public Advocate released this statement today:

So now comes radical pro-homosexual U.S. District Judge David Bunning and puts Kim Davis in jail and proves Public Advocate's message to the exact T.

Public Advocate volunteers are here in Grayson, Kentucky on the scene of the Carter County Detention Center in Kentucky with signs, posters, banners and tents for the supporters of Kim Davis.

We stand with you, the supporters and family of a modern American patriot and simple God-fearing Christian who will not leave her faith to suit their anti-Christian agenda.

And we will not leave until Kim Davis is free.

For years I have said as President of Public Advocate , there will come a day when radical homosexual judges and their allies in the homosexual lobby will jail Christians who profess their faith and now the day has arrived.

Public Advocate supports Kim Davis. No surprise here.

The news media stands with us and that is the surprise. The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and many more major liberal publications are stating that this is too much.

Few lawyers disagree with Public Advocate's legal and public position "this is too much" also.

America is standing with us and I have asked my supporters and all who support religious liberty to come to Grayson, Kentucky today, tomorrow and every day they can until Kim Davis is free from jail.

Our stand with Kim Davis is a stand we must take -- anyone who can stand must stand.

That is why Public Advocate will be here until Kim Davis is free.

Congress should not sit around and do nothing, so Public Advocate is standing with Kim Davis and also protesting, now, House Speaker John Boehner sitting on a bill that would restrict the entire federal judiciary from "criminalizing Christianity."

Welcome to the fight Public Advocate has waged for years.

America, welcome to Grayson, Kentucky outside a county jail, where the fight for religious liberty must be won by those who believe in genuine respect for the right to worship in the manner our founding fathers wanted.

To all opinion writers, policy makers and members of Congress, please continue to take more action, Free Kim Davis Now.

End of Statement


Rowan County clerk Kim Davis is shown in this booking photo provided by the Carter County Detention Center in Grayson, Kentucky September 3, 2015.

Rowan County clerk Kim Davis is shown in this booking photo provided by the Carter County Detention Center in Grayson, Kentucky September 3, 2015.