Delgaudio Statement at the Supreme Court and to Congress
Delgaudio Statement at the Supreme Court and to Congress:
On August 6, early on the day of the first "Fox News Presidential" debates for the Republican nomination contest, Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate presented a statement at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington at East Capitol Street and First Street, and to Congress.
Statement (in part)
The Washington Examiner reports 80 per cent of Americans want a photographer to have the right to say no to a homosexual wedding job assignment.
We are here to represent that 80 per cent. We are here to represent the one million Americans who have signed Public Advocate petitions demanding their rights to one man one woman marriage be protected.
Christians and traditional moral marriage believers simply want their rights to religious liberty.
"I'm working overtime to pass the "Restrain the Judges on Marriage Act" (H.R. 1968) in Congress.
And thousands of pro-Family Americans ARE outraged!
The Supreme Court Justices - controlled by the radical Homosexual Lobby - have now ruled 5-4 that homosexuals can be "married" anywhere in the United States, even if their state protects Real Marriage.
The radical Homosexual Lobby thinks Public Advocate and thousands of other pro-Family activists will just give up and quit. We are here today to assert "We will never stop fighting for Real Marriage."
One bill we are supporting is Representative Steve King (R-IA) bill to shred the Supreme Court's power to destroy Real Marriage. "
King's "Restrain the Judges on Marriage Act" (H.R. 1968) will remove marriage from federal court jurisdiction and ban any federal funding used to enforce court orders against Real Marriage.
Public Advocate is collecting thousands of signatures today on petitions asking for the passage of HR 1968 to strip the Court of power over traditional marriage.
Public Advocate is also calling on Congress to protect our religious liberty.
Pro-Family champion, Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) recently introduced the "First Amendment Defense Act" (H.R. 2802) to strengthen Religious Liberty.
Labrador's bill prohibits the federal government from denying tax exemptions or other government benefits to individuals and institutions that defend Real Marriage.
I'm excited to report Labrador's bill has over 120 co-sponsors in the house and we will deliver stacks of Religious Liberty Petitions from pro-Family Americans to their offices.
We ask Congress to pass this religious liberty bill.
Finally today Public Advocate condemns Judge Anthony Kennedy and his four fellow justices in their assault on logic and for ignoring all previous judicial restraint in fabricating and attempting to destroy traditional one man one woman marriage on in America and on the earth...........
..............The Supreme Court ruling is being used in many cases not related to just the so-called same sex marriage issue, it's over broad ruling means polygamy, anti-Christian actions and even worse can now be legalized and sanctioned by American courts.
End of Statement by Eugene Delgaudio August 6 2015