Predator Barney Frank Hosted Prostitute Ring, Attacked Teen Pages, now condemns Predator/Speaker Hastert
The Washington Post commentator and publicly homosexual activist Jonathan Caphart says
"What (former Speaker) Hastert allegedly did has nothing to do with being gay or the push by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans to ensure that equal protection under the law applies to them."
Caphart disagrees with Barney Frank when Frank condemns Hastert and says
"So when someone who himself has engaged in same-sex activity then uses his position of great power to try to penalize other people who are doing that, that's the kind of hypocrisy that should be penalized."
Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate said:
"The young victims of both Hastert and Frank were teenage boys.
Hastert was sexually attracted to them and he sodomized them in his capacity of a trusted "coach" or teacher, and had the resources to pay the victims to not go to the public when he became a Speaker of the House of Representatives, therefore Hastert is a predator legislator just like Barney Frank was. Public Advocate was right to condemn Frank and we were right to insist that moderate Republican leaders defend the family over these many years even as in this case, one of them violated the law secretly without our knowledge. "