Social conservatives react to Supreme Court marriage case
LifeSite News Reports:
Lawyers, the media, pundits, and activists will spend the next two months debating how the Supreme Court will come down on the issue of same-sex "marriage." But according to social conservative leaders, the Court shouldn't even be addressing the question.
Likewise, Rep. Joe Pitts, R-PA - who along with Fleming and Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-MO, is a top social conservative in the House - said that "marriage is based on the reality that children do best with a Mom and a Dad. As the Constitution remains silent on the issue, the people of Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, and Kentucky and many other states have voted to maintain this definition."
Former Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-OH, said that marriage "is the ideal for raising children and is good for society," and "should be defined as it has always been." Jordan also stated that "a Supreme Court decision would only exacerbate" national divisions, and "like the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, a Supreme Court ruling that overturns state laws on marriage would do nothing to end the debate about marriage, but would instead prolong it."
Republican presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz said that "in recent years, federal judges have defied the power of the people to define marriage through their elected representatives as a covenant between one man and one woman. Today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in cases raising the question of whether such judicial intrusion is constitutionally proper. It is not."
Heritage Foundation scholar Dr. Ryan Anderson likewise told his organization's news arm, The Daily Signal, that Kennedy's questions boded well for a ruling later this year.
Victoria Cobb, president of The Family Foundation of Virginia, told at Tuesday's pro-marriage rally in front of the Supreme Court that "the reason a state has a role in marriage in the first place" is to do "what is best for a child."
"I think people can imagine animus wherever they want, but the reality is there are millions upon millions of Americans who simply believe that children deserve a mom and a dad. There is no animus."
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