Updated-Eugene Delgaudio: Deboer Supreme Court Brief, Accepted as Filed Today, Says Court Commits Immoral Act
Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio said today he has approved the final version of a 48 page legal brief in the upcoming decision titled "No. 14-571, 14-562, 14-574, and 14-556 in the Supreme Court of the United States regarding the APRIL DEBOER, ET AL., Petitioners, versus RICHARD SNYDER, ET AL., Respondents, " the DeBoer v. Snyder -- Amicus Brief opposing homosexual marriage, as filed.
UPDATE: this brief has been filed and accepted as of 4:14 p.m. EST April 3, 2015
Delgaudio said "Our 48 page brief argues against the Court majority destroying marriage as a lawless act and that this trend in the federal court system, using fabricated and non-existent legal reasoning, is equivilent to recognizing a immoral act as moral, is itself an immoral act that can be resisted by society as all immoral acts should be."
Delgaudio said "I believe it is entirely fitting that this brief, seeking to warn the Court about the consequences of rejecting Biblical Marriage (Ezekiel 33:1-7), and containing abundant Scripture, be filed today Good Friday."
On page 38, Public Advocate legal counsel declares, in part,: "The Holy Scriptures reveal that God created mankind, male and female, in the image of God.Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4-6. Homosexual sex and homosexual marriage are a repudiation of God's created order."
The full final printed brief is posted here as filed and accepted by the U.S. Supreme Court.