Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate is contacting over one million supporters today March 31 and asking them to call Governor Pence of Indiana to not reverse himself on defending Christians and religious liberty and said in part:
"Last week, Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
And since then, the Homosexual Lobby has waged an all-out media blitz against him, from front-page denouncements to nationwide threats of boycotts.
And it appears he is ready to crack under pressure.
Just this morning, he held a press conference trying to walk back his support from the bill, saying he wants compromise language on his desk this week.
We must keep his feet to the fire and stop him from signing any language that guts Indiana's RFRA.
That's why I need you to contact Gov. Pence by phone (317-232-4567) or email him and tell him to stand and fight for Religious Liberty.
Let him know that now is not the time to surrender." Unquote