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New York Times Girly Men Shriek In Horror At Italian Stallion Rudy G as he says "A US President Must Love America"

Girly man and NYTimes writer ALEXANDER BURNS proudly mocks Rudy Giuliani's "over the top" remarks as a has been former presidential candidate nobody pays any attention to anymore but he and his buddy anti-American scum journalists scream so loud when they are throwing a tantrum," says Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate.

Here's the NY Times:

Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York and one-time Republican presidential hopeful, stepped to the microphone at the "21" Club in Manhattan on Wednesday, for an event ostensibly spotlighting Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. But by suggesting that President Obama did not love his country, Mr. Giuliani became the story.

His remarks, seemingly out of the blue, were not an isolated outburst.

No more than an hour or two before Mr. Giuliani appeared at Mr. Walker's event, he vented his frustration at Mr. Obama at another fund-raising event in Manhattan. There, Mr. Giuliani took particular issue with the president's recent comments likening Islamic extremist terrorism to the religious warfare of the medieval Crusades.

Mr. Giuliani has suggested that President Obama does not love his country. "I said exactly what I wanted to say," he said.

Only the previous week, Mr. Giuliani veered off topic at a realtors' conference in Las Vegas to assail the president's irresolute stance toward President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, attendees said. And on Feb. 13, he told an Iranian-American group in Arizona that Mr. Obama was not "a man who loves his people." (In an online video of the event, Mr. Giuliani is shown shouting: "Mr. President, wake up. Come off the golf course.")

"......................(lots of online blatthering in the NY Times article)..........."

(Closing paragraphs of NYT whining here)

After (White House aide) Mr. Earnest had spoken (said he has "pity" for Rudy G.), Mr. Giuliani once again declined to back off, further criticizing Mr. Obama for his approach on a number of Middle East conflicts, and the issues that he chooses to highlight.

"People find him (President Obama) unemotional except on subjects where he gets emotional," Mr. Giuliani said. "Not the slaughtering of the Christians, not the slaughtering of the Jews, not the slaughtering of the Syrians, but Ferguson."

Mr. Giuliani acknowledged that many of his friends have "given me all kinds of advice" throughout the last two days to try to retreat from some of his comments.

"I'm pretty good at sitting down then and saying, 'Rudy what do you really believe?' "

Entire liberal NYT article here: