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Breaking: New AG Nominee Not Eric Holder. This is really stupid GOP Congress news.

A special commentary by Sanford Horn nails it on the "reception" for the new Attorney General nominee.

"A terribly written article by Kevin Johnson of USA Today for The Indianapolis Star about the Senate confirmation hearing of Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch lacked substance and any relevant information regarding the type of attorney general Lynch will be.
If confirmed, Lynch will replace the often contentious Eric Holder, known to flout the law on more than one occasion. In Johnson's puff piece he quoted Lynch as saying "If confirmed as attorney general I will be myself," in response to Texas GOP Senator John Cornyn's question, "You're not Eric Holder, are you?"
In fact that was the crux of Johnson's article, "AG nominee Lynch assures Senate she's not Holder."
What Johnson failed to report is how Lynch said prior to Wednesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that she admires Holder, considers him a role model, and would continue his work as the next attorney general as nominated by Barack Obama........ "
FOR more from author Sanford Horn: