Congressman Joe Wilson

Public Advocate is proud to name Congressman Joe Wilson as this month's recipient of the Family Advocate award. He spoke the truth when he called President Barack Obama a liar and just like Public Advocate, used well timed theatrics to make a political point.
Liberals would have us turn our backs on him, and the press has followed their lead in demonizing him, but Public Advocate has a few questions first.
If what Joe Wilson said was so wrong, why don't we also hear calls for we Americans to turn our backs on Barney Frank for his role in the bursting housing bubble or his 1990 censure for hosting a homosexual house of prostitution, or Charlie Rangel for evading his taxes. Why aren't we being asked to shun Chris Dodd after his numerous financial scandals and corruption charges?
Jimmy Carter is another example; he has no reason for shamelessly accusing Joe Wilson of racism.
Some might say that after leaving his presidential post, Carter left a dozen Middle Eastern countries smoldering under the heals of Islamic fundamentalism after he hung the Shah of Iran out to dry. Millions of Middle Eastern women are constantly living in fear of being stoned to death for driving a car or appearing in public without an escort. Thank you, Jimmy Carter for making the 13th century a reality for millions of people around the world.
Where are the Liberals and news reporters calling for Tom Daschle's ostracization after his crooked finances and shadowy lobbyist connections?
Where are the calls of recrimination against Nancy Pelosi who lied about reading an intelligence report to cover up her own false accusations charges against the CIA?
What about Representatives John Murtha and Peter Visclosky who have been linked to the lobbying firm PMA, which was raided by the FBI twice recently?
Public Advocate could write all day listing the latest lies, twisted truths, and blatant disregard for the law and morality, but we just don't have the time.
Joe did what Public Advocate would do. When he was under attack from the Liberals, he called it as it is; he called President Barack Obama a liar. Well placed theatrics are not to be condemned, they are to be appreciated, just like Al Franken or Paul Wellstone are appreciated on the Left.
If the Liberals want Americans to turn their backs and disown Joe Wilson, then they better get their own house in order first and start living up to their own standards.