Stacy Langton, Mom and Porn Fighter

Stacy Langton, mother of six, has been fighting for years to remove graphic pornography from being distributed to children by Fairfax County public schools and nationwide. She is an unrecognized hero and Family Advocate. She appeared recently on the Dr. Phil national news show and is promoted on social media posts of Public Advocate reaching millions of Americans now, " says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate
Stacy Langton is incensed. She stood at the podium during the September 23 school board meeting to testify about two books in her child's school library, when she was interrupted by School Board Chair Stella Pekarsky.
Those books she spoke about that night contain explicit pornographic content. In addition to the graphic language in the books, there are also illustrations including fellatio, sex toys, masturbation and nudity.
As Pekarsky interrupted Langton, stopping her from finishing her remarks, Springfield District Member Laura Jane Cohen claimed there were children in the audience. Other audience in attendance have confirmed this was not true. Even if they had been watching over the streaming platform, any younger students would have likely been in bed at that time since school board meetings begin at 7 p.m. and Langton's testimony was more than an hour into the meeting. Many members of the community have since questioned how it's apparently acceptable for the book to be in school libraries, yet it should not be read aloud when children may be in the audience.