Photo Gallery
Photo galleries of Public Advocate activities:
Wizards of DOGE visit the Mall Friday March 14
(38 photos)
(28 photos)
Public Advocate Two Gender Trump Inaugural Medal Ceremonies (part one)
(12 photos)
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Police Detain Delgaudio During Stop Trump Shooting Picket
(8 photos)
Stop the Trump Shootings Picket at US Capitol
(14 photos)
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Signs that will be at the 2024 Republican Party Platform
(4 photos)
Public Advocate Billboard Trucks 2024
(27 photos)
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Front Royal, Virginia Public Library Hearing
(9 photos)
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Child pornographic books in libraries
(16 photos)
First News Conference on the U.S. Capitol Break in and Arrest by Sergeant Duke of the Federal Police
(4 photos)
(73 photos)
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Mark Clayton At Hearing in Tennessee
(1 photo)
Eugene Delgaudio, Public Advocate Warn Protesters at Judges Homes
(24 photos)
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Public Advocate Sends 120,000 Petitions To Congress Opposing Transgender Agenda
(15 photos)
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Eugene Delgaudio Protect Religious Freedom Convoy ~ Hagerstown, Maryland MD
(97 photos)
George Washington Birthday Celebration
(2 photos)
Joe Biden's Woke Poke Checkpoint March for Life Jan. 21, 2022
(15 photos)
Santa Claus Lets Go Brandon Joe Biden White House
(5 photos)
120,000 Petitions to Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene
(17 photos)
Eugene Delgaudio: Thank you Rep. Bob Good for Protecting Children!
(16 photos)
15,000 Petitions to Ohio Mayor Craig Shubert
(11 photos)
Public Advocate in the News - Stop Gender Corruption
(4 photos)
Loudoun County School Board Meeting August 10, 2021 Against Gender Corruption Theory
(30 photos)
$75 Million Dollar Giveaway Hunter Biden Paint Brush
(2 photos)
Public Advocate's Live Pro-FAMILY Concert of LMNOP Tour Washington D.C.
(51 photos)
Woke Liberal Networks GO NUTS: Eugene Delgaudio declares June is LMNOP+ Month
(26 photos)
Fools on the Hill, Nick Liberty and PA songwriter F. R. Duplantier
(2 photos)
Rudy's Singing Reindeer Supreme Court Maga Million Rally Dec. 12, 2020 Something Smells
(44 photos)
Public Advocate Sends Biden's Pirates to Atlanta, Georgia State Capitol Stop the Steal Rally
(38 photos)
Eugene Delgaudio welcomes Joe Biden's Pirates for Election Integrity @Supreme Court
(32 photos)
Amy Coney Barrett Singers at Supreme Court
(61 photos)
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Eugene Delgaudio and Donald Trump Tweets on Suspending California Funding for Brainwashing
(3 photos)
(85 photos)
Public Advocate Style On Covid Topic
(5 photos)
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Launching LMNOP+ Month of June ~ Make the Family Great Again
(43 photos)
(69 photos)
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National Prayer Campaign by Public Advocate
(2 photos)
Nancy Pelosi Sobriety Checkpoint in Washington
(43 photos)
Rudy's Singing Reindeer sing 12 Days of Impeachment Song on Capitol Hill & CNN
(22 photos)
(26 photos)
President Eugene Delgaudio Profile Shots
(24 photos)
200,000 Christian State of Emergency Petitions before the Supreme Court
(13 photos)
200,000 Christian State of Emergency Petitions to White House
(22 photos)
200,000 Christian State of Emergency Petitions to Congress
(30 photos)
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7,500+ Fellow Americans wish Melania Trump Happy Birthday today April 26!
(9 photos)
(89 photos)
Tennesee: Black Democratic Party Candidates Claim White Liberals Remove Them From Ballot
(4 photos)
Singing ( not screaming ) support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh Wednesday September 5
(97 photos)
(53 photos)
Kavanaugh Singers include "Judge Brett Kavanaugh"
(2 photos)
PA Director Helps Minority Candidates Gain Ballot Access in Tennesee
(4 photos)
Thank You Supreme Court for Jack Phillips Decision
(5 photos)
100,000 signed petitions supporting President Trump’s pro family policies delivered!
(5 photos)
Public Advocate supports Mike Pompeo Nomination by President Trump
(1 photo)
Free the Cake Baker Squad Keeping the Heat on!
(119 photos)
Washington Post Front Page, 100's of News Media report on frontpage: Free the Cake Baker Squad!
(48 photos)
Public Advocate's Eugene Delgaudio Sends Christmas Cards To White House
(3 photos)
Free the Cake Baker Squad to the Rescue of Masterpiece Cake Shop at Supreme Court!
(54 photos)
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Public Advocate President at White House, Tells Trump He has been betrayed
(1 photo)
Public Advocate Responds to SPLC inspired Homosexual Death Squads
(1 photo)
Supporting Trump's Transgender Policy in front of the RNC Building
(46 photos)
Screen Shots Media Coverage of Gorsuch for Supreme Court Campaign (partial)
(21 photos)
(77 photos)
700,000+ Hear Delgaudio CPAC Comments About President Obama
(1 photo)
Sample of Online Social Media Ads Urging Confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to Supreme Court
(2 photos)
Multi-online Platform Banner Ads on Social Websites Opposing William Pryor
(9 photos)
Inauguration Day: Stop William Pryor!
(22 photos)
At the U.S. Capitol to Stop William Pryor
(3 photos)
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Merry Christmas From Public Advocate
(77 photos)
Public Advocate In North Carolina Reaching Millions Now
(13 photos)
Paul Ryan Betrays Religious Liberty?
(2 photos)
Public Advocate In Cleveland and Online Now, Promoting One Man One Woman Marriage
(5 photos)
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Republican National Convention platform passes pro marriage plank
(48 photos)
ON THE ROAD TO CLEVELAND, OHIO for Republican National Convention Platform Hearings
(42 photos)
Boycott Target Protest May 25 2016
(21 photos)
Boycott Target Protest - High Res Photo
(2 photos)
Eugene Condemns Obama's Transgender Bathroom Policy
(77 photos)
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Public Advocate Welcomes Marco Rubio at Patrick Henry College
(27 photos)
Public Advocate Demands Answers from Rubio in NH
(43 photos)
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Tennessee Representative Mark Pody Launches Traditional Marriage Bill
(3 photos)
Pro Liberty Legislative Day - Impeach Mark Herring
(88 photos)
Pro-Gun Pro-liberty Legislative Day, Impeach Mark Herring Signs held aloft
(22 photos)
(39 photos)
Public Advocate: Release Kim Davis
(9 photos)
Speaker Boehner: Release the Labrador Bill
(21 photos)
Public Advocate in Kentucky: Free Kim Davis -Daily Rallies Supported by Public Advocate volunteers
(17 photos)
(103 photos)
Eugene's Statement to Congress at the Supreme Court 3
(47 photos)
Eugene's Statement to Congress at the Supreme Court 2
(42 photos)
Eugene's Statement to Congress at the Supreme Court
(41 photos)
Boy Scouts of America Richmond Event
(13 photos)
Eugene Delgaudio Visit BSA HQ Camera 2
(36 photos)
Eugene Delgaudio Visits Boy Scout HQ
(59 photos)
(7 photos)
Anti Proposition 8 Mob Attacks Grandmother
(9 photos)
House Leadership Asked Not to Betray Family during Lame Duck Session
(5 photos)
Public Advocate Banner Ads Reach Millions Today
(9 photos)
Public Advocate Postcard Campaigns
(2 photos)
John Lofton Set the Standard for Humor in the Universe
(1 photo)
Cross at Mount Soledad outside San Diego, California
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Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder
(2 photos)
2000 Americans Sign Up in 2 hours To Impeach Eric Holder
(29 photos)
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Public Advocate Uses Photo for Senate Survey Mailing
(1 photo)
Public Advocate distributes Pro-Traditional Marriage Inauguration Badges in Richmond, Va.
(54 photos)
Virginia Governor Inauguration Saturday January 11
(7 photos)
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Public Advocate's Campaign To Lobby Speaker Boehner
(1 photo)
Virginia Campaign Reaches 2 million residents today
(2 photos)
Military Commander Emails Subordinates To Obey Homosexual Orders Or Face Court Martial
(5 photos)
Public Advocate Delivers 2nd Million Petitions to U.S. Senate To oppose S.B. 815
(25 photos)
New Public Advocate Campaign To Reach One Million Targets Senate
(5 photos)
Public Advocate Asks Hatch to Resign And Contacts Citizens
(3 photos)
Eugene Delgaudio Protect Our Children's Innocence One Million Petition Ceremony
(38 photos)
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(1 photo)
Public Advocate supports Chick-fil-a
(14 photos)
General Mills and Captain Rainbow demonstration
(54 photos)
Public Advocate Defends Boy Scouts Against Homosexual Assault
(36 photos)
Public Advocate Representatives In Nashville, Tenn. to Help Pass Pro-family Senate Bill 49
(5 photos)
Public Advocate Lobbies Maryland Delegates to Support Traditional Marriage
(19 photos)
Delgaudio Continues Long Tradition In Visit to Christendom College
(2 photos)
Public Advocate President Warns CPAC About Homosexuals
(39 photos)
Rally of 500,000 (Under Construction)
(1 photo)
Public Advocate Responds To Hate Attack On Christian Free Speech
(12 photos)
Alledged Serial Predator Kevin Ricks
(1 photo)
Public Advocate Urges Congress to Oppose Special Gay Rights
(27 photos)
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Kill This Bill, November 5th DC Tea Party
(8 photos)
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(31 photos)
Mr. President, Stay Away From Our Kids Part 2
(25 photos)
Mr. President, Stay Away From Our Kids
(43 photos)
From the Public Advocate Archives- TED KENNEDY SWIM TEAM
(7 photos)
The Sonia Sotomayor UnReality Tour
(8 photos)
Pork Out At the Nashville Tea Party
(4 photos)
Eugene Delgaudio Interviewed By Canadian TV
(9 photos)
Pork Out At the D.C. Tea Party
(29 photos)
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Delgaudio speaks at Christendom College
(3 photos)
Traditional Marriage Supporters At Inauguration
(11 photos)
Defenders Of Traditional Marriage At Inauguration
(13 photos)
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Leadership Institute Breakfast
(6 photos)
Thought Control Police arrest Moses and Teletubbies
(27 photos)
Public Advocate urges Senators to vote for Federal Marriage Amendment
(22 photos)
Public Advocate calls on Senators to Vote for the Marriage Amendment
(19 photos)
Delgaudio speaks to the Leadership Institute about Public Advocate
(12 photos)
On Capitol Hill for the Federal Marriage Amendment
(23 photos)
(15 photos)
"Uncle Sam" Alito Citizens' Ensemble
(17 photos)
PA's Delgaudio meets President Bush
(2 photos)
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Public Advocate among first to announce opposition to Harriet Miers
(7 photos)
Thought Control Police on Capitol Hill
(7 photos)
Public Advocate Announces Withdrawal of Support for Judge Roberts
(21 photos)
Public Advocate Volunteers Help Stop Schumer "Thought Control" Legislation
(7 photos)
Public Advocate Volunteers Sing Carols to ACLU
(12 photos)
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Delgaudio Asks Senators to Support Traditional Marriage
(9 photos)
Eugene Delgaudio delivers petitons to Congress
(6 photos)
PA Defends Marriage in Fredericksburg
(10 photos)
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PA hands out commerative wooden nickels to defend marriage
(7 photos)
PA Gives out Free Cake on the Hill & Radical Homosexuals Protest Marriage
(23 photos)
Congresswoman Musgrave receiving Family Advocate of the Month Award
(4 photos)
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(10 photos)
Supreme Court Should be 'Saddamy Free,' Says Delgaudio
(14 photos)
PA Protests Lincoln Memorial Propaganda Film
(2 photos)
Delgaudio Delivers Anti-Thought Control Petitions to Senators
(3 photos)
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Ken Stalle Political Action Inquisition
(6 photos)
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Public Advocate tours New York
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