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Morons Bent On Destroying Human Race Run College Campuses

The authentic authority, "" reports:

This is what a concerned mom might see squiggling around if she lifts the rock to see what her daughter is learning at staggering expense at college:

I borrowed 20-year-old Ella's textbook and syllabus for her Human Sexuality class. Crooks and Baur, 12th edition-the hefty paperback costs $200, of which Ella will only recoup $12 at semester's end...

Examples of the scholarship to be found in the textbook, which is entitled Our Sexuality:

"The religious right in America has long labored to reinforce traditional gender roles through its efforts to shape American politics." "Gender roles are a product of socialization." "The teachings of Jesus emphasized love, compassion, and forgiveness...'Neither do I condemn thee.'" "Homophobia can be best thought of as a prejudice similar to racism, anti-Semitism, or sexism."

Actually, the Bible does condemn homosexual behavior, in the strongest terms possible. Here is how the authors explain that:

"Beginning in the 7th century BCE,... Jewish religious leaders wanted to develop a distinct closed community. Homosexual activities were a part of the religious practices of many peoples in that era, and rejecting such practices was one way of keeping the Jewish religion unique."

Remember, as of a couple of years ago, homosexual deviancy is normal and has always been normal. Therefore it is Jews, Christians, Muslims, and everyone else who has found it disgusting and immoral throughout the millennia who are not normal.

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