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Eugene Delgaudio and Public Advocate Demands Amplified Boy Scouts Delay Homosexuality Decision -- Coalition Demands "Pro-"Gay" CEOs Resign From Scout Board

Eugene Delgaudio and Public Advocate Demands Amplified
Boy Scouts Delay Homosexuality Decision --
16 member Coalition Joins Us in demanding "Pro-'Gay' CEOs Resign From Scout Board

From the very beginning, Public Advocate president has called emphatically for the imediate resignation of pro-gay directors from the Boy Scouts of America. More and more pro-scout and pro-family groups are calling for the resignation of pro-gay "malicious inside directors."

Peter LaBarbera says

"Folks, today we received word that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has delayed until May a decision on whether to make the radical change of allowing openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts. The announced delay came after the BSA came under an avalanche of criticism for revealing to the media that the venerable boys organization would likely end its longstanding homosexual exclusion policy - under pressure from "gay" activists and pro-homosexual corporations........

.....We urge citizens to continue urging the BSA to completely repudiate any policy shift on homosexuality. If the Scouts are to retain the trust of parents nationwide, they must unequivocally reaffirm the current, common-sense policy against homosexuality - which has no place in a wholesome boys organization that professes to teach boys to be "morally straight" and revere God."

And AFTAH and others are now demanding

AFTH and 16 other pro-family groups in a coalition have joined Public Advocate in demanding

"the two corporate CEOs who reportedly are the strongest advocates for the pro-"gay" policy change - AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson and Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley - to resign from the BSA's Executive Board immediately.

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