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GOP Funds $1 Million to House Race of Leftist Homosexual "Republican"

A conservative blogger says: True conservatives have more than a handful in fighting both Democrats and "Republicans in Name Only" (RINOs) at the federal, state and local levels.

It is a shame that we have to fight our own party to keep our Constitutional, Representative Republicfrom being completely removed from life support by political death panels of both parties.

He reports "(Long time pro-family conservative ) Brian Camenker of the pro-family organization, MassResistance, has given us a sickening report on the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) throwing a huge amount of money into the campaign of an openly homosexual leftist in Massachusetts who is running as a Republican for Congress.

As Brian reported on Sunday, (at this link)

The Republican establishment in Washington is pouring enormous amounts of money--over a million dollars---into Massachusetts to elect an aggressive, anti-family homosexual activist to Congress.

In Massachusetts, Richard Tisei is known as an openly "gay" liberal Republican politician who ran for Lt. Governor in 2010. Prior to that as a State Senator, among other things he worked to successfully block the people's right to vote on the Marriage Amendment.

Tisei is the only Republican Congressional candidate in Massachusetts to receive such support from the national Republican Congressional campaign!

Brian goes on to write that Tisei is one of the "Young Guns" of the NRCC, just as Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy were. The glaring problem is that Richard Tisei's politics are in no way conservative.

In the Massachusetts State Senate, Tisei fought against bills to lower taxes. He is a strong supporter of abortion. He voted to expand the -buffer zone- around abortion clinics. He supported the "emergency contraception" bill that would have forced Christians to go against their religious faith.

More on Brian Camenker and Mass Resistance at