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American Pedophile Lobby Promotes Mass Abuse of America's Children By Right

Repost from 8-24-2011 (Note on repost below)
American Pedophile Lobby Promotes Mass Abuse of America's Children By Right
Education Authorities Asked to Cooperate With Criminal Conspiracy to Orchestrate Abuse of Children

'Evil': Attendees at prominent pro-pedophilia conference horrified by sessions

Pro-family advocates who attended a controversial pro-pedophilia conference in Baltimore last week say they were profoundly shaken by what they saw and heard.
Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio has warned that the homosexual lobby would use Presidential orders prohibiting discrimination and various Departmental directives under President Barack Obama to institute the wholesale abuse of America's children and there is now the beginning of an American propaganda vehicle with the public legislative history in Canada and this public conference in Baltimore, Maryland promoting the wholesale exceptance of the abuse of children.

"How is the federal obscenity act or the criminal conspiracy and RICO laws not apply to the massive collaboration to attack the children of America? And why is Congress standing by and allowing the public spectacle of child molestors who advocate the wholesale destruction of innocent children on an organized institutional basis. This is the definition of racketerring in the existing law," says Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate.

From the report on LifesiteNews:
"As a former law enforcement officer I've dealt with situations involving suicide, homicide and other violence. That said, I've never felt the level of spiritual oppression and evil that I felt in that room," Liberty Counsel Action Vice President Matt Barber told LifeSiteNews.
"I've never felt the level of spiritual oppression and evil that I felt in that room, " Liberty Counsel Action Vice President Matt Barber told LifeSiteNews.
"These mental health 'professionals,' and self-described pedophile and 'gay' activists were inexplicably able to cavalierly discuss, in an almost dismissive way, the idea of child rape," Barber said. "They used flowery, euphemistic psychobabble to give quasi-scientific cover to a discussion about the worst kind of perversion."
Speakers addressed the around 50 individuals in attendance on themes ranging from the notion that pedophiles are "unfairly stigmatized and demonized" by society to the idea that "children are not inherently unable to consent" to sex with an adult.
Also discussed were arguments that an adult's desire to have sex with children is "normative" and that the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) ignores the fact that pedophiles "have feelings of love and romance for children" in the same way adult heterosexuals and homosexuals have romantic feelings for one another.

Note about this repost: this is a repost. Public Advocate fights the Homosexual Lobby propaganda machine solicitations directed to children and believes the adding of the two words "sexual orientation" to any civil rights laws also opens up protections for pedophiles and other "rights" (polygamy, incest and more).

Michigan Homosexual rights blogs and one major Michigan news organization deny that homosexuals want rights for pedophiles and other child molestors. So Public Advocate is reposting internationally known reports showing the efforts of "homosexual lobby leaders" to recruit children.