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Obama Official Tells 100s of Youth : We're Recruiting Homosexuals to Adopt Kids

repost from 6-12-2011

Obama Official Tells 100s of Youth : We're Recruiting Homosexuals to Adopt Kids

Its official federal policy approved by the White House to push adoption children into homosexual "families" and to recruit homosexuals to become adoptive parents.

Not content to promote homosexual behavior with tax funded propaganda and explicit taxpayer paid for pornography and "art" now its forcing young innocent orphans to be part of the politically perverse plan.

And they are boasting to minor young children their new policies of perversion.

CNS reports "David Hansell, who runs the federal government's Administration for Children and Families, told a group of high school students at the U.S. Department of Education's "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT)" youth summit on Tuesday that the Obama administration is recruiting "LGBT parents" to adopt children.

"[O]f course, we're also trying to recruit more foster and adoptive parents who are lesbian and gay," Hansell said in a general session of the summit held at the Washington Court Hotel in Washington, D.C. (As previously reported, the Department of Education barred reporters from attending the summit's breakout sessions, which were also held at the hotel.)

In the general session, Hansell, who is an acting assistant secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), pointed to a program sponsored by his division of HHS that encourages LGBT people to adopt children.

"So LGBT individuals and families often contact us about adopting or fostering kids through a program that we run called Adopt Us Kids, which is aimed at finding adoptive homes for hard to place children," said Hansell. "We are particularly interested in encouraging the involvement of LGBT parents. In fact, we need their involvement because right now there are 115,000 children in foster care ready and waiting to find permanent homes."

See video and full report at

Note about this repost: this is a repost. Public Advocate fights the Homosexual Lobby propaganda machine solicitations directed to children and
believes the adding of the two words "sexual orientation" to any civil rights laws also opens up
protections for pedophiles and other "rights" (polygamy, incest and more).

Michigan Homosexual rights blogs and one major Michigan news organization deny that homosexuals want rights for pedophiles and other child molestors. So Public Advocate is reposting internationally known reports.