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Youtube Video of TSA frisking 6-year-old sparks worldwide anger

Youtube Video of TSA frisking 6-year-old sparks worldwide anger

A Kentucky mother said Wednesday that federal airport screeners wouldn't tell her why they were frisking her 6-year-old daughter, whose treatment was captured on a YouTube video that has sparked outrage.

See the video on Youtube, it has reached 1,154,362 views:

Selena Drexel said her family went through body scanners last month at the New Orleans airport, and her daughter Anna was selected for a pat-down. She asked why but wasn't given a reason.

Drexel told The Associated Press in an interview on Wednesday that her daughter began to cry after the search and said, "I'm sorry mommy. I don't know what I did wrong." Drexel said her daughter has since moved on and is showing no ill effects from the incident.

Drexel and her husband uploaded the video on YouTube, where it generated huge interest. Network morning shows picked up the story, and the pat-down was sharply criticized by congressmen involved in national security issues.