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Warning To Parents and Young People at CPAC

Letter from Public Advocate handed out at Marriott Hotel in Washington DC Today.

Participants including Go Proud spokesman and promoter Grover Norquist were handed flyers with this messsage

These days predator homosexuals use any pretense and, yes, even political cover, to gain access to their victims

As many know, and this letter is to warn: the Conservative Political Action Conference has been infiltrated by members of the Homosexual Lobby and their supporters.

Radical Homosexual front groups and their supporters will be in attendance to push their perversion on you.

This sort of behavior was illegal and immoral back when I had to clean house and condemn them from previous CPACs and YAF gatherings (i.e. purges, etc., sic).

And it is still illegal and immoral to create an atmosphere in which those same misdeeds could occur again.

Parents should be warned and all CPAC attendants should be told that there are minor age students or even some of us still innocent adults, who need to be looked after, warned, protected and our values respected.

I stand with the dozens of pro-family leaders and the thousands of pro-family supporters who are boycotting this event because of what it has been turned into.


Eugene Delgaudio

President, Public Advocate