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CPAC TRAIN WRECK, Top Groups Jump Out, Keene Plays Violin While CPAC Burns

'Huge blow to CPAC': More big guns say bye

Heritage Foundation, Media Research Center withdraw over participation of 'gay' GOProud

Two more big guns of the conservative movement confirmed today they are not participating in the Conservative Political Action Conference next month because of the continued participation of the homosexual activist organization GOProud.

The Heritage Foundation, the largest think tank in Washington and not known as part of the religious right, confirmed that it is not taking part in what has been the largest annual gathering of conservatives in the country. Heritage has been an active participant in CPAC every year for the last 10.

Read more: 'Huge blow to CPAC': More big guns say bye

Biggest conservative names bidding goodbye to CPAC

Participation of homosexuals, financial mismanagement cited

Two of the nation's premier moral issues organizations, the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America, are refusing to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference in February because a homosexual activist group, GOProud, has been invited.

David Keene: Full steam ahead for CPAC

"NUTs" to Christian, Pro-family Groups

In spite of nationwide protests, $400,000 in missing funds, bloggings, condemnations and continued daily announcements of pull outs by top conservative groups, David Keene "bravely" says CPAC is doing okay.

Based on the celebrity of Mr. Keene, Saturday Night Live (SNL) might produce a segment.