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Ex-Gays : Don't Add "Gender Identity" to Anti-discrimination Legislation

Ex-Gays : Don't Add "Gender Identity" to Anti-discrimination Legislation

by Dale O'Leary OF PFOX (parents and friends of Ex-Gays)

Certain national and international groups are pushing for the addition of "gender identity" and "gender expression" to anti-discrimination laws. According to activists, gender identity is defined as: "An individual's self -perception or inner sense of being a man, a male, a woman, a female, both, neither, butch, femme, two-spirit, bigender, or another configuration of gender. Gender identity often matches the gender typically associated with the person's anatomy but sometimes does not" and gender expression refers to: "Any combination of how someone outwardly presents external characteristics behaviors that are socially defined as masculine or feminine, including dress, mannerisms speech patterns and social interactions."[1]

For example, a bill introduced in the Maryland legislature reads as follows: "An owner or operator of a place of public accommodation ...may not refuse, withhold from, or deny to any person any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, or privileges of the place of public accommodation because of the person's ....gender identity." This would mean that males dressed as females could use women's restrooms and locker rooms.

Such legislation is designed to give legal protections to those who reject the sex they were born and want to be publicly accepted the other sex - the so-called 'transsexuals,' 'transgendered,' 'gender queer,' transvestites, and others. Such persons deceive themselves, deceive others, and are being deceived by mental health professionals and surgeons. The public is being deceived by the media and activists into believing that so-called 'transsexuals' were born with biological problems that are remedied by surgery and that it is possible to change your sex.

No one can change sex; it is written in DNA on every cell of our bodies. The people demanding "gender identity and expression" protection are physically normal men or women, but according to the "gender" ideologues, what matters is not what sex you really are, but what sex you want to be or think you are,. People could be sanctioned for simply using the correct pronouns when referring to a person who is obviously male, but wants to be female................

.............Public officials go along with the deception, letting persons who want to be the other sex to falsify their driver licenses and other documents, even some who have not been surgically altered........

The laws adding "gender identity" to anti-discrimination legislation would allow men and women with serious psychological disorders, some of whom are prone to narcissistic rage and revenge to use the law to persecute business owners who are attempting to protect the privacy of customers in restrooms and locker rooms.

If "gender identity" is added to anti-discrimination legislation, the lie of "sex change" will be taught in the schools. It won't be long before we will have children's books about how Johnny's daddy is now Johnny's mommy and everyone is living happily ever after. Teachers and other school personnel will expect to be accepted in whatever form they appear. Mr. Brown will come back after summer vacation as Miss Brown.

Confused children with G[S]ID who need treatment are already being pushed down the path to surgical mutilation. Schools are being told that if an elementary school boy or girl believes that he or she is the other sex; everyone should go along with this fantasy. The school should allow these troubled children to change their names, dress as the other sex, and use the restrooms of the other sex. Other children will be punished if they object or speak the truth........."

Remember to read the PFOX blog regularly for ex-gay views and news. See