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Far-Left Freak Daily Beast Turns on Joe Biden

Gateway Pundit Reports:

Even the far-left Daily Beast is now admitting that you can't trust Joe Biden. Joe Biden is losing Democrats.

Joe Biden had a credibility problem his whole life. He was known for telling tall tales and sniffing kids. His family has multiple financial ties with China. His son is a drug addict who left evidence of taking drugs, hanging out with hookers, and cutting deals with China and other countries. This was all recorded on his laptop. Anyone who trusted Joe Biden a year ago was a fool. Now even some of those fools are waking up.

The Daily Beast reports:

Having started 2021 full of optimism, Joe Biden ends the year having disappointed progressive Democrats like AOC, moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin, Republicans who crossed party lines to support his policies, and the American people (and that's not to mention the people of Afghanistan).

(Excerpt) Read more at Gateway Pundit

Hat Tip to Free Republic

Note To Beast: Thank you for Rightwing Bernie Sanders Title stuck on Eugene Delgaudio.

Photo "Disgusting Beast"