Update: Public Advocate raises goal to contact 1 million to oppose William Pryor for Supreme Court
Pro-Family Public Advocate Group States -- 'William Pryor is Wrong Choice for U.S. Supreme Court Justice'
Updated News Release posted Today here:
- Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate is sending a message to his supporters nationwide Monday, January 9, that states in part:
"William Pryor is not a man we can trust on the Supreme Court. Pryor is an Anti-God backstabber and gay special rights stooge and we are collecting petitions in opposition to his nomination and confirmation. Christians and religious liberty advocates are responding now."
Delgaudio plans a new series of electronic messages, online ads, social network website postings, reaching one million recipients or supporters of his pro-family group Public Advocate, today, Monday, January 9, stating in part:
"Judge William Pryor is one of Trump's original possible nominees. Public Advocate opposes Pryor because as a judge, Pryor has a long track record of ruling against Christians and in support of the radical left.
"Judge Pryor led the persecution of Judge Roy Moore of Alabama in 2003. Moore lost his judgeship then over his refusal to have the Ten Commandments removed from the state Supreme Court. Pryor specifically attacked Judge Moore's continued belief in God and his incorporation of his Christian beliefs in his role as a judge.
"A federal court had officially ordered Moore to cease acknowledging God in his role as judge. When Moore refused to comply, Pryor ordered Moore removed from his position on the Supreme Court of Alabama over this continued belief.
"All of this happened despite the vocal support for Moore's stand Pryor had expressed in the years before being appointed to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
"Just days ago, Pryor ruled that a Florida Middle School has to accommodate a 'gay advocacy club' despite the fact that the law in question was intended only for older high school students.
"William Pryor will clearly serve as a strong ally of the homosexual lobby if he is appointed to the Supreme Court.
"Pryor is not a man we can trust on the Supreme Court, and I ask you sign our petition to signal opposition to Pryor," said Delgaudio.
This statement is posted here:
On line petitions to support pro-family judges and oppose William Pryor collected here:
First Stop William Pryor Poster Up in Washington, D.C.