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Panic Sets In at Washington Post Over #HackingHillary Cough Cough

Washington Post's Chris Cillizza begs the world and anyone who will listen:

..Led by Drudge, there have been questions circulating in the conservative media - and among Trump surrogates like Rudy Giuliani - that "something" is wrong with Clinton for months. Much of that speculation ties back to an episode in late 2012 in which Clinton caught a stomach virus, fell, suffered a concussion and was then hospitalized due to a blood clot. A certain sector of conservatives were convinced that more was going on with her health than ever became public and that this was yet another example of the Clintons hiding things from the public.

"Diagnoses" have run everywhere from a severe thyroid problem to traumatic brain injury to dysphasia. (That last one comes courtesy of Trump national spokeswoman Katrina Pierson, who, in case you were wondering, is not a doctor.)

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